Q&A – March 29th, 2010

29 03 2010

I almost forgot about Ask Jodelle! That would have been a disaster! =) Well I’m a little late actually, sorry about that. I’m still trying to figure out a good day to sit down and answer questions. Maybe every Monday. We’ll see.

Well, anyway, here are the two questions for this week!

Question #1 from Shannon, Australia
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take five items, what would they be?
Good question! Hmm, let’s see…
1. My dog. Unless there are wild animals on this island. It wouldn’t be that awsome if my dog got eaten.
2. A good book. Most likely The Host because I can read it over and over.
3. Sunscreen. I burn easily.
4. Matches, because I never could figure out how to light a fire by rubbing two sticks together, so I would probably freeze at night.
5. A boat to get the heck out of there! =)
Question #2 from Gilles, France
How that’s happenned when you arrived the first day in Twilight 3? Everybody already know others actors and you was a “new one” so….was everybody nice with you ?

Yes, absolutely. I had a great time, and everybody was really nice. A lot of people seem to think that just because somebody is famous, they’re probably not nice, but the cast and crew in Eclipse were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I had a really fantastic time filming and I felt very welcome.


