Q&A – March 17th, 2010

17 03 2010

Question #1 from Rob in the UK:

Do you ever get to keep any of the outfits or props from your films or TV shows?  e.g. Mary’s bell from Kingdom Hospital etc.

It’s funny that you should say that because Mary’s bell is one of the few props that I’ve kept. I’m normally not allowed to take the props in case there are re-shoots or something, but I did get to keep the bell. Probably because they had so many of them. If there is only one, then they have to keep it, just in case. Same with outfits. They normally have a lot of duplicates, so I’m allowed to have a few things, but then once in a while they’ll only have a few of something and then I can’t take it.

Question #2 from Anthea in Australia:

How do you get into character? Do you really need to feel unlike yourself, to be totally in character?

No. A lot of actors have to comepletely turn into another person, but I’m not really like that. No matter who I’m playing, there’s always a little of me in there. I don’t have to “find the character”, I just read the script and act like I think the person would act. As soon as the scene finishes, I’m totally myself again.

Keep the questions coming! I’ll be back next week!


